Friday, November 30, 2012

How to Make Use of Cheap Internet Banner Advertising

The internet banner Advertising has been a huge part of the World Wide Web for years now. It is one of the cheapest and effective ways of Internet Marketing. That is why many people resort to this mode of Marketing to make their site renowned to the internet users.

Creating a huge impact for your site never come this easy. All you have to do is make an appealing banner and wait for that banner to cross its way towards the internet users. Surely a great technique to make sure that your site will never toppled by your rival sites.

Amplify the number of visitors of your site by following the below tips using Internet Banner Advertising.

Tip # 1: Make sure that your title is sensible and something that people can relate to. Your title must also symbolize what your site is all about. Never use hoax information. Keep it real for the sake of the disposition of your site.

Tip # 2: Lead the people to believe that what you are selling is something that they need. It can be either goods or services. You must make compelling and enticing statements.

Tip # 3: Your must be able to put into the few concrete words what your site is all about. A good lasting impression is what you are targeting to give your target customers.

Tip # 4: Your must compose statements that anyone could understand. If you want your banner to take its roam in every side of the globe, you must do your statements in simple and precise manner. Always take into consideration foreign people who can possibly see your banner.

Tip # 5: Show yourself how far your banner can go by embellishing it with striking designs. Bringing people to your site can be increased by making your banner pretty with designs. But you must choose a design that represents your site. The theme might vary from plain and simple to outstanding and preppy.

To get the attention you want, you must know the ways to make your site appealing to the market. Product does not automatically sell itself. It needs Marketing. Now that we have the intervention of Internet, we can transfer information just a click away. But always remember that there are unique and efficient ways available, we just have to find them. The best way to find those ways is also through the Internet.

Beginner's Guide to Banner Ads   Is Banner Advertising the Way to Go?   Internet Marketing Advice: Your List For A Craigslist Clickable Banner   Online Banner Ads - 5 Tips to Make Your Banner Ads More Effective for Your Small Business   Online Advertising With Banners   

Create Simple Banners by Following These Tips

If you desire creating really simple graphical banner with radiant background and some interesting text in the foreground then here are certain tips to inform you about how it all could be done in real time and that too with adeptness. For the creation of banner, you could make use of banner maker or there should be a graphics program like Adobe Photoshop or any one of the tools that you prefer using. Almost all of the basic programs are same, so just by following the instructions you'd be able to create one for your company.

Open your graphics program and once its loading is complete, click on 'File' and then 'New' which is in the menu. Probably a box would pop up which would let you specify settings which you'd like seeing for the new image. It should be made sure that it is keeping the pixels size in apt degrees. Background could be changed with the color you desire using and also if you want, graphical elements could be added. Height, breadth and rest of the settings if checked would be better to get the best effect in the final product.

After opening banner sized square in the graphics program, given that the colors have already been chosen, you could skip this step. Two colored squares would appear where one would show behind the other. These are the foreground and background colors. If you are OK with what you see then go ahead to the next option. When text is to be added, you could click on 'Layer' in the menu.

Adding image could be done, and writing on the new layer that has been added is where you could write new text that you want to see in your symbol. Basically every feature is available in the menu tab where changes from colors to images, all could be done. All this while, it is wise to remember that add or extract only those elements in your design which would be capable of reaping fruitful results for you and your firm.

Beginner's Guide to Banner Ads   Is Banner Advertising the Way to Go?   Internet Marketing Advice: Your List For A Craigslist Clickable Banner   Online Banner Ads - 5 Tips to Make Your Banner Ads More Effective for Your Small Business   Online Advertising With Banners   Do You Need to Use a Banner to Get Good Traffic?   

Start Banner Exchange Now

Banner exchange is a concept which is extremely beneficial for those who are low on budget. Suppose there are two websites A and B. So what people do in the concept of banner exchange is; the owners of website A and B sign a contract. According to the contract, the owner of website A can place a banner ad on website B and the owner of website B can place a banner on website A. This way; it becomes easy to target the audience and if the audience are interested, they will definitely buy your products.

This concept is affordable as you don't have to pay anything to place the banner ads. Both the owners are getting benefits. On the other hand if you just opt to place banner ads here and there, then you have to buy advertising space which is a costly option. So exchanging banners is quite an affordable method.

Also placing banner ads can make you start affiliate marketing campaign. In this method of advertising there is an affiliate who builds a website to place the ads of different website owner. Suppose the owner of website A places the ad in affiliate's website. Whenever somebody visits the affiliate website, clicks the ad and purchases the product, the affiliate gets some commission. This way; it attracts the audience. To keep a track of performance of the ad in the website there is a code embedded in the ad. This code counts the number of clicks on the ad.

Some affiliates get paid per click and some get paid per sale. Pay per click means whenever somebody visits the website of affiliate and clicks the ad, the affiliate gets some commission. Pay per sale means whenever somebody visits the website of affiliate, clicks the ad and purchases something, affiliate gets commission. It depends on you whatever way you want.

You can also add a survey and request the customers to fill it after each purchase to get an idea about the products and website. This is basically a type of feedback.

Banner ads exchange is not always the best option to popularize your website as there are limitations of space where you can keep your ad. There is no need to worry as this method is the best for those who cannot afford placing an ad by paying huge amount of money.

Beginner's Guide to Banner Ads   Is Banner Advertising the Way to Go?   Internet Marketing Advice: Your List For A Craigslist Clickable Banner   Online Banner Ads - 5 Tips to Make Your Banner Ads More Effective for Your Small Business   

Advantages Of Travel Banner Advertising

Any form of internet banner advertising has become one of the most common and effective methods of reaching out to the targeted people. It is highly profitable since by creating website traffic, not only the individuals but also the companies gain from it. Several graphical promotions of ads are done via these internet units. Many people have this notion that such advertising strategies are too cheap to be effective and that people won't notice but that is not the case. It is a very successful attempt in the part of marketing strategies and it is getting better each day. Banner ads are usually placed on category specific publisher websites.

Today the market is highly competitive and standing out to be the best has become a necessity for surviving in the competition. All you need to do is design and make appropriate advertisements to be put up and once on the internet, there are people all over the world to view it at any time they surf, regardless of their time zone or whichever part of the world they are in. you have plenty of options ranging from pictures, videos, colorful articles, all that could create an impact in the minds of anyone who views it.

When targeted for a group of customers as the travelers, today most people prefer to do every bit of their research online and therefore travel banner advertising is the best possible way to advertise your agency. Studies have revealed that almost 78% of travelers like to consult the internet for making reservations, buying tickets, searching for travel packages, look for reviews and every other possible travel guide required.

Online travel banner advertising would ensure an accurate idea of the number of people who have viewed the advertisements. The consumers are also not compelled to see that ad. It is only when they click on it that they get a full view and idea about what the ad says. These ads also help customers to post their queries and send suggestions. Making use of web based applications would also help increase traffic into the site thus reaching out to greater number of people.

The sales leads offered through online banner advertising is generally of a much higher quality. Since it is meant for a target specific audience, people get access to the most relevant ads with sufficient ease. Booking airline tickets, hotel rooms, getting the best deals on travel packages has become very easy and time saving now.

One of the main advantages of travel banner advertising is that it is cheap as already mentioned. Since, costs on other forms of marketing are cut down; it saves a lot and costs much less for internet advertising. It is considered to be more effective means than through traditional forms like newspapers, TV and magazine. This is one reason why almost any company big, small or medium can afford to advertise through banners on the website and thus benefit from it making such a business campaign an effective success.

Beginner's Guide to Banner Ads   Is Banner Advertising the Way to Go?   Internet Marketing Advice: Your List For A Craigslist Clickable Banner   Online Banner Ads - 5 Tips to Make Your Banner Ads More Effective for Your Small Business   Online Advertising With Banners   Tips for Using Local Internet Advertising   

Divert Web Traffic to Your Site With Flash Animated Banner

Interaction and communication via the Web has become important and we indulge in it more because the process is really easy. We daily communicate with our friends, family (if living far from them) or business partners, associates, clients, dealers, etc. It has been quite some time now that sales of journals, magazines, paper maps have plunged remarkably whilst videos, blogs, games, all are well in demand in the present era. Apart from these there are other end-number of ways in which you could make your company's existence strong over the Internet. So if you own a business, probably creating a striking looking website would be able to lend a great amount of support in getting recognition. You could insert a video clip to elucidate the kind of business you deal in. For instance, if you have a production house, you could add a video of how the goods get manufactured at your production site.

If you had to visit a website that is dull and boring, would you ever want to return to it? Most likely, the answer to that would be a 'no'. So here comes Flash into play. Using clickable elements in the form of games or trick solving puzzles, etc could add to your site in a positive way. As far as advertising on different sites is concerned, the similar technology could be used to create stunning looking banners.

The main advantage you can get by using this mode of promotion is the time within which you get response from people. If traditional communication methods are used like newspapers, classifieds, it might take a lot of time for you to get a feedback from them, which further would delay appropriate and needed action to be taken to improve on certain grounds. The advancement in technology that has come is in the form of Flash as it allows to use elements like sound, clips, etc that helps in attracting more people and it ultimately means that you get more traffic. For creating flash banner there are ample of flash banner maker tools available.

Beginner's Guide to Banner Ads   Is Banner Advertising the Way to Go?   Internet Marketing Advice: Your List For A Craigslist Clickable Banner   Online Banner Ads - 5 Tips to Make Your Banner Ads More Effective for Your Small Business   

Create Attractive Banners With GIF and Flash Technology

Marketers tap online print and television or broadcast media for the purpose of promotion of business. The Internet is also another medium which has been widely used by the people across the world. It is very necessary and vital to establish an online presence over the Internet as the medium. Effective and efficient form of promotion of the business of an organization can boost the revenue of an enterprise. An online banner is a form of marketing in which a marketer promotes the products or services of an enterprise.

The online advertisements were earlier in plain text format which means that the designer could not incorporate flash technology into the web pages. There are a variety of banner creator computer tools in the market that enable a user to design an impressive as well as attractive online advertisement. A marketer can easily and impressively incorporate flash technology for creating online promotion. The main aim is to allure the target visitors towards the website of an organization. You can select the designs, patterns, text, font types, font colors, font sizes, lines, alignments, shapes and symbols to be used for creating an impressive as well as customized online advertisement.

With the help of advanced computer programs, you can easily incorporate the flash technology or graphics into the online advertisements. The use of flash or graphics into the web pages makes an advertisement appear interactive in nature. The flash has flip-flop of images or multimedia effects that can easily catch the attention of the target audiences of an organization. It is essential to grab the eyeballs of an onlooker in the midst of other competitor's online promotion. The multimedia effects can make the appearance of these online advertisements visually appealing as well as striking. One can also present information through graphics or integrate diagrams, tables and charts. In this way, you can design attractive as well as impressive effects into the online advertisements.

Beginner's Guide to Banner Ads   Is Banner Advertising the Way to Go?   Internet Marketing Advice: Your List For A Craigslist Clickable Banner   Online Banner Ads - 5 Tips to Make Your Banner Ads More Effective for Your Small Business   Online Advertising With Banners   Tips for Using Local Internet Advertising   

Edgy Banner Ads Raking In Traffic

The word "competition" is always associated in internet marketing. In this fast changing industry, every smart internet marketer is accustomed with a very tight competition. A strong competition is the reason why many have not stopped looking for internet marketing strategies that can help them or their websites. They actively look for the friendliest, most efficient, practical, edgiest and fastest solution to complement their strategies. Smart internet marketers have found one unique kind of internet marketing strategy that uses images and other forms of graphics so it appears to be more creative.

Welcome to the world of BANNER ADVERTISING. One of the most reliable online solution in helping one rake in valuable traffic. But how do you make an edgy banner ad? Something that will stand out and has 80% chances to be clicked - let me start my bullet here.

There are various computer tools that can be used in designing banner advertisements. There are also online tools freely available that creates banner graphic designs in a flash. These techniques offer various programs and ways in creating banner advertisements. Doing your own research or watching online videos on how to use these online tools is very essential in helping you utilize these materials efficiently. It is highly recommended that you have a vision first of how you want your Banner Advertisement to look like then maybe hire a graphics or web guy to assist you along the way.

There's no really difference with the PAID PROGRAMS compared to the FREE PROGRAMS in creating graphics or enhancing photos. All you need basically is a creative mind and just devote time to play with the tools that you have. These programs allow you to choose your desired shape, color, and other effects in your banner. In this way, you can bring out the creative side of the user because the user can decide the appearance of their banners.

There are also some techniques that allow the users to combine images and videos. Other tools also allow users to use only images, logo, short messages, shapes, and other symbols. Again, these choices will allow the user to be more creative. Here's a standard format of an Edgy Banner Ad:

1. Not too much text in the banner. One or two liners will do. 2. Being Minimalistic is the key. 3. If you're putting in some animation, don't make it more than 10 seconds 4. Put in something that your target market is looking for 5. The background of your banner ad shouldn't overpower your text

As you can see, banner advertisement is the most unique, edgy and appealing strategy compared to other kinds of online advertisement. It enjoys lesser competition and a variety of advantages to promote one's site. By following the standard format in creating edgy banner advertisements, you'll definitely go a long way with your Traffic Building and Internet Marketing. See you at the Top!

Beginner's Guide to Banner Ads   Is Banner Advertising the Way to Go?   Internet Marketing Advice: Your List For A Craigslist Clickable Banner   Online Banner Ads - 5 Tips to Make Your Banner Ads More Effective for Your Small Business   

Banner Advertising - Mistakes That Could Be Avoided

This form of promotion has existed for long and is known by various other names. It possibly would continue to be a good means for gaining exposure that is needed by a marketing campaign in order to do well. Regardless of many other mediums to initiate promotion process on the Web yet it would be the best in terms of fetching positive results. Not all but many have realized that by staying within the budget you could get to see a good level traffic that is generated via this form of marketing. However, it is important to carry out the entire process carefully with complete planning and clarity of mind. Many people might just not feel like putting in much efforts but it remains one of the most essential rules to get success. Simply by taking precautions and avoiding some mistakes you could reap the benefits that it has to offer.

At times designers may lay too much importance upon the graphical content, thinking that it would be the only effective element. Although it cannot be denied that these components do augment optimistic chances but at the same time a call-to-action in the banner is as well quite important. Maybe just two to three words could work as magic spell! Some have cleverly done it such as by putting 'Click here' or 'Learn more'. This generally is successful in tempting people to check what's in store for them. So this is quite an effective way to bring improvement in conversions.

Give excessive content to the viewers and this is the best way to shoo-them away! Of course, no one would want to do that until and unless you deliberately put so much matter on the design that it irritates people to the core. Try keeping the layout clutter-free. A design that is clearly depicting the message gets its way straight into the hearts of populace. Precision and aptness lend that extra edge to the look and feel of the advertisement. Updating your site is also necessary so that anyone who visits it for the second time or more via your ad gets to see something novel. For creating banners, there are ample of banner maker software available.

Beginner's Guide to Banner Ads   Is Banner Advertising the Way to Go?   Internet Marketing Advice: Your List For A Craigslist Clickable Banner   Online Banner Ads - 5 Tips to Make Your Banner Ads More Effective for Your Small Business   

The New Confidence in Indian Advertising, Media and Marketing Sectors

The self confidence, and the way Indians communicate with the rest of the world, shows there is a sea change in their attitude. The same reflects in the way the Indian Advertising, Media & Marketing sectors are evolving over the years also. While the quality of the work being done here was always talked about (although with some colonial hang ups), now the volume of work has gone up too. Even the work being done abroad is also bringing accolades and of course, more business.

They can Talk in Different Languages

Finally, it has been accepted the Indian advertisers have learnt to talk in different languages, thus catering to the needs of both urban and rural markets. The pockets of the Indian consumers have grown deeper than ever, which explains the increasing ad spends of various companies across the board. In terms of media consumption, the common man is free to choose what he chooses to view and when. The reason is - the dividing lines between mobile phones, television and Internet are getting blurred faster than ever which has led to fragmentation in the media sector.

The World is Dangling in Between

The world is not completely real anymore, neither it is completely virtual - we are still dangling somewhere in between. The advertising and media services are still trying to manage a semblance of compromise between age old storytelling and the new world of consumer control. On the ground, it just means whatever they create or come up with engages the readers, rather than alienate them.

Surround the Consumer

Today, all the Advertising, Media & Marketing agencies believe in the concept of 360 degree communication with the consumer. This term includes all sorts of services such as web banners, print ads, TV, websites, outdoor promotions, rural communications and public relations. All these services are available from a single source, the ad agency - be it the content creation, artwork, recordings, or performance of the advertisements in the real world.

How do You Stay There?

The world is highly competitive when it comes to competing for fifteen minutes of fame (you don't get more than that anymore) - everyone wants it. Capturing a space in the minds of the people is of paramount importance and everyone is doing his or her best to make sure they are remembered in the market. The only trouble is, the fame thus achieved is short lived, because the next fifteen minutes belong to someone else... if you somehow bag the next fifteen minutes also, you have done great job. The Advertising, Media & Marketing sector are constantly coming up with new ways to be credible in the eyes of their target markets, and it is their versatility which decides whether they will be relevant in tomorrow's market or not.

Beginner's Guide to Banner Ads   Is Banner Advertising the Way to Go?   Internet Marketing Advice: Your List For A Craigslist Clickable Banner   Online Banner Ads - 5 Tips to Make Your Banner Ads More Effective for Your Small Business   Online Advertising With Banners   

Important Lesson on Banner Designing

Does you business need a banner that can pull good amount of traffic towards your products? For that, having just any banner would not be able to cast the magic. It should be such so that more people click on it. In order to boost the click rate, it could be said that a unique looking banner should be utilized that is capable of doing what is required for your firm.

There are generally two kinds of banners. One that is meant for your site, wherein visitors can be diverted towards other internal pages and the other is where visitors of other sites are to be brought to your own. This happens when your design is present on various portals. So the foremost thing to decide upon is what is the purpose of designing one. It is also necessary to remember that using one pattern at all places would be wrong. Strategically plan on the theme, color use, and layout as per the website for which it is being created. Planning on the best creation that will be able to promote your site is an arduous job but at the same time important.

If your banner is meant to be on other's site, there arises a need to look at the kind of design they would accept. A few might not allow flash banners to be used. Designing it considering the space within which it would be fixed is another essential aspect. Since if you only get limited space, then having an attractive creation and a strong message is the only support left to draw attention. Also, it is generally observed that search engines might be unable to boost ranking for those with flash designs.

Probably if there is an unavailability of in-house expert, then there are banner makers that could possibly do the job for you. The tools come with given graphical designs, templates, symbols, shapes, pictures or images, fonts, etc which could give you an idea on how to go about creating one for your company. With the equipped animation feature, you could as well beautify the pattern.

Beginner's Guide to Banner Ads   Is Banner Advertising the Way to Go?   Internet Marketing Advice: Your List For A Craigslist Clickable Banner   Online Banner Ads - 5 Tips to Make Your Banner Ads More Effective for Your Small Business   

Why Flash Banners Are Better?

A good banner advertisement highly depends upon the kind of banner that is used by companies. In order to be the one so that people can easily recognize your firm's banner, using Flash tools to create them is a good alternative. Flash banner makers can be very effective in improving the progress of your company. This tool offers a visualized appeal and more people probably notice the product which is created via it. The tool comes with some very powerful features that could possibly help you design banners for you firm in a matter of minutes.

Let us look at the strong points of such banners that can greatly assist in brand marketing:

Flash banners are quite small in size if compared with animated ones. Due to the small size, opening of the pages is faster and thus the loading time of the page is quick, therefore, people are likely to visit it often. On the other hand, animated ones have big pictures that can take some real good time to open. This possibly could frustrate the visitors. You can add additional graphical elements and text even in the tiny space. Along with that you could add extra elements like buttons, labels, etc that will tempt people to replay the banner. Adding movie or clip and music to the banner would add fun factor to the advertisement and visitor would probably want to watch it over and again. Any product that has flash content is able to attract visitors more easily since it looks good to the eyes The 2 D animation creative capability in Flash possibly can increase the sales volume by 64%

Although all these above stated points can be useful in creating effective banner ads but there are some downsides too. For instance it might attract some unwanted visitors who might click onto some game on the Flash ad and when the last click is meant to take the visitor to the respective website, visitor might just press the back button. These unwanted clicks could make you lose the Cost Per Click set by your business. But at the same time, with the help of professionals you could get a flash ad for your firm that is aptly made to get the right attention. So it could be said that there are more benefits of using this tool.

Beginner's Guide to Banner Ads   Is Banner Advertising the Way to Go?   Internet Marketing Advice: Your List For A Craigslist Clickable Banner   Online Banner Ads - 5 Tips to Make Your Banner Ads More Effective for Your Small Business   

Banner Advertising - The Benefits Of Using Banner Advertising To Promote Your Online Business

Nowadays, advertising has become one of the most important aspects of any kind of business. Advertising especially banner advertising has a major role on determining the level of success of any online business. Banner ad is interesting because there are lots of graphical elements that can be applied to it. While at the same time it will smoothly pave your way to successfully promote any websites that you have. However, the ease of use and the attractiveness of banner ad have made some people to aggressively overuse it until it becomes very obtrusive. This article will explore some interesting facts about banner ads and shows you how to use it without offending your visitors.

One unique characteristic that banner ads have is you can add a lot of graphical elements within a single small space inside a web page. Basically, it is pretty similar to traditional ads where you can put enticing words and pictures to get people to buy. However, when people see traditional ads and interested, they are expected to invest a little more time by visiting its website to really see the advertised products. With banner ads you can have the ability to drive potential customers directly to a sales page in an instant by embedding a link right in the banner itself. Not only that, you can also create an animation for it instead of a single frame picture to make it more interesting.

Having said that, banner ad will be an excellent way for you to promote your website or your product. It will increase your visitor traffic in a short amount of time and hopefully it will generate more sales in the end. Especially when you combine it with a good sales copy, you will definitely increase the conversion rate of these visitors. Looking at the big picture, it seems like this type of advertising is equivalent with newspaper or magazine ads. The difference lies in its simplicity and ability to quickly convert visitor to become a potential buyer because you can link banner ad to a specific page of a website which will hasten people's buying decision.

However, despite all the current benefits which banner ads have over the traditional ads, many internet marketers still try to overuse this method. They do this by shamelessly adding two or more pop ups every time a banner ad is clicked or even putting a pop up just when the home page got viewed. Customers whether they are interested or not, are quite annoyed with pop ups advertising. This in turn will cloud their buying decision and probably leave your site within seconds. You also need to know where the right place to put the banners is. In my opinion, banners are best placed to the right of the page. But, if you really want to know the effectiveness of your ads, you need to do continuous testing to determine the perfect position.

Banner advertising are an interesting type of ads which can have lots of graphical elements such as words, pictures, and animations. They are also a very effective way to promote your website and sometimes have a very low cost to maintain due to its simplicity. Finally, there are bad ways you should avoid when using banner ads because it can be annoying and could change a potential buyer's decision. Keep this information in mind and you will be able to use this advertising method correctly.

Beginner's Guide to Banner Ads   Is Banner Advertising the Way to Go?   Internet Marketing Advice: Your List For A Craigslist Clickable Banner   Online Banner Ads - 5 Tips to Make Your Banner Ads More Effective for Your Small Business   Online Advertising With Banners   

Basics of Banner Advertising

Banner advertising is one of the easy ways to get more number of visitors to your website. But before getting into this business marketing method try to get the basic idea about banner advertising, its procedures and precautions. Unlike the traditional form of advertising this is more effective and affordable.

Banner ads are short advertisements that contain only minimal details. They will have a link to their website to give the detailed information regarding their product and services. People getting interested by seeing the your advertisement can click over the link and get the detailed information. Usually a these advertisements will have the name and logo of the company and a small description about the product.

Banner advertisement will not cost you much. They are minimally designed and are the best way to publish your brands. Only popular brands will be known to all the people and by extensive banner advertising you can make your company and the product familiar to the public. Always give more importance to the design and structure of advertisements. You should catch the eye of the visitors in the search engine and make them click on your banner ad and direct them to your webpage.

Cost per click and pay-per-click will help you to place your advertisements in the major websites. Where you need to pay only for the number of clicks your advertisement gets when placed in the search engine. These form of ads will give the maximum exposure to your business brand by paying only the required amount of money. The term impression is used for these advertisements, when your advertisement is publicized in a website.

Beginner's Guide to Banner Ads   Is Banner Advertising the Way to Go?   Internet Marketing Advice: Your List For A Craigslist Clickable Banner   Online Banner Ads - 5 Tips to Make Your Banner Ads More Effective for Your Small Business   Online Advertising With Banners   Tips for Using Local Internet Advertising   

Where to Place Banner Ads on a WordPress Blog

Depending on what type of theme you are using is going to determine where you can place banner ads on your WordPress theme. Some themes are ad ready and others are not.

If you don't have a theme that is ad ready then you may need to install some plugins to make this option available to you.

You can also edit the theme files to ad your banners manually but unless you are comfortable doing this you will be in for a large learning curve.

When it comes to themes, the options are endless. Some themes will have a menu on the right or the left side and some will have two column menus either on the right or the left of the WordPress blog. And yet some allow for menus on either side. And of course all themes have a header area.

Now studies have been done to determine what areas users are most likely to click on. They have termed these areas as 'hot spots'. Hot spots are located on the left side of the page, above the fold and in a triangular shape. So if you were to draw a triangle on your blog you would start at the top left corner, go to the right corner, proceed down to the bottom left corner and back up to the top left corner, completing the triangle.

This triangle area is your hot spot. If your goal is to have your banner ads prominently displayed for users to click on then this is the ideal place to put your banner ads.

Now this also leaves you with wondering where you put your menu. Considering most people have blinders on when it comes to banner ads, having your menu on the other side of the page will tend to draw their eye away from your banner ads if they are coming to your site for information.

So the ideal place to have your banner ads is near or beside your menu. Since your hot spots are mostly the top left of your page, if you are set on having your menu on the right you should keep your banner ads with your menu. If you do use a right side two column layout for your menu and banner ads, then you can place a banner ad within the text of your post on the left side of the page to gain even more exposure.

Now it should go without saying that having an ad in the header area is an ideal spot to place your banner ads on your WordPress blog. This is the in the hot spot area and it is going to be front and center when a user comes to your site.

Having banner ads within your post itself is also ideal. But you do not want to place so many banner ads within your content that you frustrate your users and make your blog look too complicated and busy.

So to summarize where to place banner ads on your WordPress blog:

In the header. Ideally on the left side of the page next to your menu in a two column WordPress theme. If you prefer to use the right side of the page for your menu then keep your banner ads on the right side of the page along with your menu in a two column WordPress layout. If using a right side layout then you can place a banner ad within the text of your post on the left side of the page. Place ads within the post itself, but not too many. Beginner's Guide to Banner Ads   Is Banner Advertising the Way to Go?   Internet Marketing Advice: Your List For A Craigslist Clickable Banner   Online Banner Ads - 5 Tips to Make Your Banner Ads More Effective for Your Small Business   Online Advertising With Banners   Tips for Using Local Internet Advertising   

Flash Overlay Banner - Powerful Advertising Tips and Ideas That Work

There are many benefits of using a flash overlay banner inside a video player. The biggest of these is that an overlay banner isn't as annoying as a banner that breaks right into your screen uninvited. People are certainly more welcoming of online ads that they can choose to appear than those that invade their personal space.

The Attraction Factor

In-video flash banners, when properly planned and designed, are more effective in catching viewer's attention than ordinary text-based advertisements. It takes quite some effort to produce an effective flash overlay, but the rewards are plenty when the advertisement is done right. But to do that, there are certain ad design principles that you first have to pay attention to. You don't have to create the banner yourself. You can hire a specialist to do it for you. However, your knowledge of these design principles will help you decide whether to put up the flash overlay banner or not.

Use softer shapes. The subtlety of curves, arcs, and circles brings a silent but powerful message to your audience. Softer, rounded edges imply warmth, friendliness, and approachability. They imply that your company cares for its customers, as opposed to the hard-edged squares and rectangles that have been so popular in the previous years. Add images and animate them. Overlay advertising works better to your advantage when you follow the advice "Show, don't tell." So instead of telling your viewers just how happy your present customers are with your service, why don't you show them pictures of your happy customers and animate them for a livelier experience. Be careful about adding too much animation, though, because this causes slower loading times and annoys viewers too much. Keep it simple. As much as you would like to catch other people's attention, keeping your message short and sweet is the key to remaining within your viewer's line of vision. Your ad's copy (You didn't think you can get away just with animated images, did you?) should be direct to the point and brief. You can do the shameless sales-pitching later on when your audience clicks on your advertisement and is directed to your web page. Increase interactivity. A great way to have your ad NOT closed by a user is to include them in the experience. A flash overlay banner should not be there merely to attract attention. It should be there with a specific call to action to be done by the viewer. This action can be anything from answering a one-question survey, pressing a button, or playing a virtual piano. Increasing interactivity allows the users to immerse themselves in the experience and enjoy it more fully. Size matters. Users don't want to see your ads all over the place. Keep them large enough to be noticed, but unobtrusive enough to remain pleasantly in the background for the rest of the time the user is scoping out other parts of the page. The ideal overlay banner size, as dictated by Photoshop, is 468x60 pixels, but you can adjust the size according to your advertisement's needs. Mind the fonts. Many people think overlay advertising has nothing to do with the fonts used. Who cares whether or not you use a serif or a sans serif font? Actually, your viewers do. A lot of them don't know it, but they have an unconscious preference for sans serif font styles like Arial, Verdana, and Tahoma. The reason? Sans serif fonts are much easier on the eyes. See for yourself.

Decreasing Video CPM, Increasing Revenues

Video advertising used to be very expensive, until the advent of CPM (cost per mille) based advertisements. Due to the cost-effectiveness of video overlay advertising, plus better click-through rates, more leads generated, high lead-to-sales conversion rates, video CPM has significantly decreased to an average of $12 as opposed to an average video CPM of $60 a few years ago. This indicates that it may be high time for you to start investing in video overlays soon.

Beginner's Guide to Banner Ads   Is Banner Advertising the Way to Go?   Internet Marketing Advice: Your List For A Craigslist Clickable Banner   Online Banner Ads - 5 Tips to Make Your Banner Ads More Effective for Your Small Business   

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